Student Code of Conduct
The academy has rules for students and teachers. As a student you are expected to abide by the rules of the School and behave at all times in a responsible way.
1. Attendance Rules:
You must attend your each scheduled class and arrive on time for both morning and afternoon sessions.
If you are unable to attend the class because of illness or any other reason, please inform the school. If you are sick please telephone the school before 8:50am. Please fill out the request for 'Leave Application Form' if:
​You need to visit immigration during school time.
You need a day off for any other special reasons.
If you are away sick for 3 days or more, a medical certificate may be required.
If you need to take leave from your studies, you should apply to the Principal or Director of Studies, stating your reason for leave. When leave is granted, you may choose to transfer your days/weeks of absence for additional days/weeks at the end of your course.
You are required to have at least 80% of attendance for each course.
If you do not attend school regularly or are absent without any good reason, you may face disciplinary action and be withdrawn from the School.
School classes at 8:50am and the other English classes at 8:50am. Try to get here early so you are ready to start on time.
If you are late by half an hour or longer you must report to Reception.
If you are constantly late, the Director of Studies will speak to you to find out what your problems are and may give you a warning.
2. Behaviour Rules:
We expect students to respect the School, your teachers and your fellow students and behave in a responsible way at all times, and not to act in any way, which might bring the Academy into disrepute.
We expect you to interact appropriately with every person on this campus. Violence or harassment of any person on or off campus is unacceptable. Some examples of unacceptable behavior and harassment are provided below.
You must not use foul, obscene or abusive language at School.
You are not allowed to bring any weapon to School.
You must not smoke on campus, as NSLS is a smoke free building. You can smoke outside the premises but do not throw the cigarette butts on the ground. Put them in the bins.
You are not allowed to have alcohol or illegal drugs while at School.
Spitting is considered a health risk and it is not an acceptable practice in New Zealand. Spitting is not allowed on campus.
Students must not deface, steal or destroy any resource belonging to the school, students or to any staff member. If such an offence is committed, the police may be called.
Students must attend their each and every class on time.
Cheating or copying another student's work during a test is not allowed. Students found cheating will not be eligible to move up a class.
Students must use their own stationery.
No food or drink should be taken into the classrooms.
No cell phones on during class time.
Students may not use the photocopier, fax, and phone without permission from the Administrator or DOS. A small charge will apply.
If students have a problem or a complaint they should first discuss it with their teachers and then with a student counselor who will discuss the matter with the DOS. You can also write your complaint on the 'Complaint Procedure' form and submit it to the DOS.
3. Administrative Rules:
You must provide the School with your current address and contact phone number in Auckland. If you change your address or your phone number, you must immediately advise the School. The School is responsible for keeping up-to-date your contact details while you are staying in New Zealand if you have a student visa.